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Booking Agreements
Email Readings
Mentorship Programs
Tarot Parties
Spirit Sessions

*Covid-19 Policy & Agreement*


I understand that I must wear a mask covering my nose and mouth during my reading and/or class with The Crescent Moon Tarot, LLC.


I understand that when state regulations are lifted, The Crescent Moon Tarot, LLC may still require masks or face coverings during all readings and/or classes.


I understand that The Crescent Moon Tarot, LLC may require a mask be worn after mask regulations have been relaxed/lifted. It is the right of The Crescent Moon Tarot, LLC to refuse my reading/class without refund if a mask is not worn properly.


I understand that The Crescent Moon Tarot, LLC may terminate my reading and/or class without refund for failure to comply with the face covering requirements set by The Crescent Moon Tarot, LLC and/or The State of Rhode Island.


I understand that even if I am fully vaccinated, The Crescent Moon Tarot, LLC, may still require that I wear a mask, even if mask regulations are relaxed/lifted. Failure to comply with The Crescent Moon Tarot, LLC's mask requirements will terminate my appointment and/or class without refund.


I acknowledge the contagious nature of the Coronavirus/COVID-19 and that the CDC and many other public health authorities still recommend practicing social distancing.
I further acknowledge that The Crescent Moon Tarot, LLC has put in place preventative measures to reduce the spread of the Coronavirus/COVID-19.
I further acknowledge that The Crescent Moon Tarot, LLC can not guarantee that I will not become infected with the Coronavirus/Covid-19. I understand that the risk of becoming exposed to and/or infected by the Coronavirus/COVID-19 may result from the actions, omissions, or negligence of myself and others, including, but not limited to, the reading and/or class location, and other clients and their families.
I voluntarily seek services provided by The Crescent Moon Tarot, LLC and acknowledge that I am increasing my risk to exposure to the Coronavirus/COVID-19. I acknowledge that I must comply with all set procedures to reduce the spread while attending my appointment.
I attest that:
* I am not experiencing any symptom of illness such as cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fever, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, or new loss of taste or smell.
* I have not traveled internationally within the last 14 days.
* I have not traveled to a highly impacted area within the United States of America in the last 14 days.
* I do not believe I have been exposed to someone with a suspected and/or confirmed case of the Coronavirus/COVID-19.
* I have not been diagnosed with Coronavirus/Covid-19 and not yet cleared as non contagious by state or local public health authorities.
* I am following all CDC recommended guidelines as much as possible and limiting my exposure to the Coronavirus/COVID-19.
I hereby release and agree to hold The Crescent Moon Tarot, LLC harmless from, and waive on behalf of myself, my heirs, and any personal representatives any and all causes of action, claims, demands, damages, costs, expenses and compensation for damage or loss to myself and/or property that may be caused by any act, or failure to act of the office, or that may otherwise arise in any way in connection with any services received from The Crescent Moon Tarot, LLC . I understand that this release discharges The Crescent Moon Tarot, LLC from any liability or claim that I, my heirs, or any personal representatives may have against the The Crescent Moon Tarot, LLC with respect to any bodily injury, illness, death, medical treatment, or property damage that may arise from, or in connection to, any services received from The Crescent Moon Tarot, LLC . This liability waiver and release agreement extends to the reading/class environment together with all owners, partners, and employees.

By choosing to schedule, book or purchase a consultation or reading; or sign up for and attend a class with The Crescent Moon Tarot, LLC, directly, through a third party, via phone, internet or in person, I am agreeing to the terms of this document.


I understand that it is my own responsibility, if I am feeling the least bit poorly, to reschedule my office appointment or session or ask to change my session to a Zoom session.




*Confidentially Agreement / Privacy Policy / Contact Information*


I understand that all of my personal contact information entered upon signing up for bookings, emails, blogs, etc., is not shared by The Crescent Moon Tarot. In such cases where a mandated report is made, or where emergency services are required and exception to this clause is made.


If you have provided a phone number and have requested sms/text and/0r have sent a text to our business line, you agree to receive text messages from The Crescent Moon Tarot. You may request at any time to stop all sms/text messages.

I understand that all readings are confidential, unless otherwise specified. 

By requesting another's presence in my reading, I understand that I release The Crescent Moon Tarot, LLC of all confidentially and privacy agreements and policies. I understand that this request must be in writing, specifying the name of the individual who must have a booked appointment directly before or after my own.


I understand that The Crescent Moon Tarot has a responsibility as a Mandated Reporter, that takes priority over any and all confidentiality or privacy agreements.


*Legal Definition of mandated reporter: an individual who holds a professional position (Ordained Minister, Life Coach, Spiritual Life Coach, Tarot Life Coach are all mandated reporters and all held by Marcia Robinson of The Crescent Moon Tarot) that requires him or her to report to the appropriate state agency cases of child abuse, self harm, or harm to others, that he or she has reasonable cause to suspect



*Spiritual/Tarot Coaching /Past Life Regression/ Hypnosis / Akashic Records Reading /Healing*


I understand that I must complete the intake form to the best of my ability where applicable.

I understand that questions regarding my mental health, diagnoses, and prescriptions are necessary questions to best help me in my Spiritual / Tarot Coaching / Past life Regression / Hypnosis / Akashic Record Reading / Healing, known hereafter as,   Sessions. 


I understand that I must give an emergency contact.


I understand that Sessions are not a substitute for medical psychology, or medical therapies.


I understand that Sessions are not a cure to my mental well being.

I understand that in my Sessions, there may be little to no Tarot (specific to Spiritual Coaching and Tarot Coaching), and I may be talking my entire Session, or doing meditations.


I understand that Sessions are not a cure-all and may not ultimately help my mental status, physical or emotional wellbeing.


I understand that my session requires participation on my part and I am ultimately responsible for my own actions and well being.


I understand that it is important to discuss the Session prior to, and after, my Sessions and that my participation is essential for the session.


I understand that to partake in Sessions, that I must not be under the influence of drugs or alcohol.


By agreeing to these terms, I do not hold The Crescent Moon Tarot liable for my mental or physical wellbeing.


 (Hypnosis Specific)

I understand that there is no way to control what memories are brought up through my hypnosis session.


I understand that all memories may not be pleasant, some may be traumatic, some may be gruesome, some may be calming and relaxing.


I understand that The Crescent Moon Tarot cannot be held liable or accountable for what is brought to light during my hypnosis session.


I understand that emotions may run high during hypnosis.


I completely give my consent for hypnosis.

*Payment & Booking / Appointments & Classes, Cancellations, Overages, No Shows & Refunds**


All Readings are one-on-one, meaning they are individual to one recipient, unless otherwise specified in the Reading description, i.e. Couple's Reading. No Reading can be split among multiple participants.

Please note that payment is required, in full,  prior to any readings and/or classes.


When booking by phone or email, your confirmation of your appointment is by payment of invoice, upon receipt. If the invoice is not paid by the due date, your appointment time will be reopened as available for booking.


All Booking, Appointments, Sessions, Classes, Promotions, or other, is subject to availability. 


Booking online via website requires payment in full at the time of booking. 


Invoices are due paid upon receipt.

I understand that I must be prompt for my appointment as my appointment begins at the time specified, any tardiness is deducted from m appointment time up to 10 minutes, which is then a No Show and the appointment is forfeit without refund;

*time is not started at the time of shuffle during a Reading, but at the scheduled appointment time. An overage fee will be charged to any appointment going over it's specified time, as scheduling allows.


Book more time than you think you may need for your appointment. Appointments cannot be extended. Book a follow up appointment for anything that, due to time constraints of your appointment, was unable to be covered.

Follow up appointment are scheduled at your own convenience


All scheduled appointments are booked in Eastern Time unless you choose otherwise from the booking calendar on our website. 

A delay of 10 minutes or more to your scheduled appointment, is considered a No Show, and is  not eligible for a refund, nor is your appointment held. This goes for all in person or virtual appointments via Zoom, as well as classes.


Rescheduling your appointment requires 24 hour notice to be rescheduled without fee (Rescheduling fee $50).

Cancellations must 72 hours prior to appointment to qualify for refund. (For Tarot Party or Tea Party refunds, see Tarot Party in Terms).


An "Appointment Overage Fee" is charged to any appointment going over it's set time in excess of ten minutes. A charge of $25 will apply for every 10 minutes over when scheduling allows for an overage.

A "No Show",  or any delay of 10 minutes or more, will be charged the full cost of the reading and/or class with no refunds.


In-Person Readings, Online Zoom Readings and Classes must be paid in advance and are not eligible for refund.


To have someone sit in on your appointment, they must also have an appointment booked either prior to or directly after your appointment. Their name is required in a written request either by email or chat on Requesting this participant nullifies the confidentially agreement.


* Refund Processing Fee*


A processing fee of $10 will be applied to any transaction eligible for refund that is processed back to the card payment was made from.

*Accountability / Ethics*

Please note that under no circumstances will I give legal, medical or financial advice.  Seek counsel from a qualified professional in the field you are questioning.

No readings will be given to anyone under the age of 18. By booking your reading by phone, email, online booking, in person or through a third party, you agree that the recipient of the reading is at least 18 years of age.


Please take note that some, or all events may not take place. You make the ultimate decisions in your life and you have the potential to change the outcome, which may change from your reading.

For legal purposes, these readings are to be considered "entertainment only". Unfortunately, I do need to make that statement.


Please refrain from any drugs or alcohol prior to your reading. Your Reading will be affected if you are under the influence. Your reading will only be as clear as your mind is to receive it.


Please be respectful. Disrespect will not be tolerated and you will be asked to leave without refund.


Be prompt for your appointment. Any tardiness will deducted from your scheduled time.


Readings are not written in stone. You have the ability to change any outcome. 


Masks are required for all in office appointments regardless of vaccination status or state laws or mandates.


* E-mail Readings*


All e-mail readings will be completed by end of next business day. By purchasing your e-mail reading, you acknowledge the business hours and time zones, if applicable, and are aware that there may be days between placing the order and receiving the order. Lost e-mails or failure notices are not the responsibility of The Crescent Moon Tarot, LLC.


*Mentorship Programs*


These are fast pace programs for the serious individual taking their spiritual journey by the horns.
A one hour weekly meeting either in office or via Zoom will be held for lessons. You must be available for the meeting. Emails are encouraged to discuss progress or challenges.
Practice is essential. You must make the time over the duration of your mentorship.
Mentorships are not eligible for a refund, so once you've committed, you're all in. Buckle up, it'll be a ride!

If you miss a weekly meeting, you are responsible for seeking out (by email) what was covered in that meeting, or to see if there is availability to reschedule before the next meeting. There is much to cover and each mentorship is packed full to the brim of lessons and training.

You must be prompt for your meetings as any delay is deducted from the overall time. These mentorships are for those who are truly invested in their path and are ready and willing to put in the work. It is not going to be easy. But it will be well worth it.


*Tarot Parties / Tarot & Tea Parties*


Masks may be required during your reading at your Party.

Within two days of scheduling your party, you will receive an invoice for the duration requested. This invoice, once paid, confirms booking of your Party.

Any additional time over your agreed upon time (if available) will be invoiced separately at our hourly Party rate. 

Your confirmation of your Party date and time is confirmed upon payment of invoice. If the invoice is not paid by the due date, your date and time will be reopened for booking.

Overage Invoice must be paid within one day after your Party date. Cancellations acceptable for refund must be at least 2 months (60 days) prior to party date.

Cancellations within 2 months (60 days) of party date are not eligible for refund.

You may opt to reschedule your party to another date/time, and this can be done without fee up to 1 month (30 days) to your initial party date. A fee of $50 will be invoiced to rescheduling 1 month or less from originally scheduled date/time.


I understand that rescheduling then canceling my party so it fits within the parameters listed above in regards to refunds, cancels my party without refund.

 Parties waive the confidentiality agreement as some parties have sitters sitting at the same reading table and some readings are not able to be held in a separate room.

As there may be minors at some Parties, a consent form is required for participation in a Reading. Please request a consent form in the Party Request.

All parties are limited in location to the Southern New England states of MA, RI & CT only. 

A Travel Fee may be applied to your invoice. See Travel Fee for details.



*Spirit Sessions*


Spirit sessions are non refundable. Participants should be clear minded and not under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Spirit Sessions can take time, so there is no guarantee to length of connection. There is no guarantee that you will connect with the loved one you are hoping to connect with. Spirit does not work on demand. 




Mediumship is open for booking for one appointment per week. 

I understand I must be clear headed and not under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

I understand that I must bring a personal item belonging to the loved one in Spirit that I am hoping to reach, and that this does not guarantee that this loved one will come through.

 Spirit is not available on demand. You must be ready for any message coming through from Spirit.

You may request up to 4 people to sit in your mediumship appointment. Names, first and last, are required on the booking form. If a name is not added, they are not able to sit in.

Including others to sit in on your mediumship appointment will not guarantee that Spirit will come through for you. Inviting others invites their loved ones in Spirit, and your loved one may not come through.

You may opt to reschedule your mediumship appointment to another date, and this can be done without fee up to 1 month (30 days) to your initial appointment date. A fee of $50 will be invoiced when rescheduling 1 month or less from originally scheduled date.

Cancellations acceptable for refund must be at least 2 months (60 days) prior to appointment date.

Cancellations within 2 months (60 days) of appointment date are not eligible for refund.

I understand that rescheduling then canceling my mediumship session so it fits within the parameters listed above in regards to refunds, cancels my mediumship appointment without refund.

All Mediumship Appointments are limited in location to the Southern New England states of MA, RI & CT only. 

A Travel Fee may be invoiced for your appointment if out of office. See Travel Fee for details.


*Travel Fee*


A travel fee of $50 for every 25 miles will be added to any Tarot Party or Mediumship appointment 25 miles or more from The Crescent Moon Tarot office.


*Tarot Reader Certification*


A Certificate of Completion will be issued by email upon completion of Learn The Tarot  by The Crescent Moon Tarot. Certification does not imply Professional Tarot Readership, but rather denotes that the elected course has been completed. Failure to complete the course forfeits certification.




The Crescent Moon Tarot does not hold to the specific beliefs, practices, services, or other, in regards to locations, metaphysical or other, where Featured Reader, Pop Up Reader, or Psychic Faires, or the like, are set up to offer Readings and/or classes.


I understand The Crescent Moon Tarot LLC/The Crescent Moon Tarot/Marcia Robinson (referred to as The Crescent Moon Tarot, LLC from this point on) is not responsible or liable for any of the following: any readings, advice or class instruction given; coaching; any field trips offered; or services provided; damages, loss or theft when attending an appointment or event; any transaction made to any other entity, website or store, including but not limited to; Their use and storage of your personal information, policies,  tracking, payments, shipping or customer service.

If you have a discrepancy with a(n) entity/website/store that we refer, please contact their customer service. 

I understand The Crescent Moon Tarot, LLC is not liable for any theft, loss, damage, or injury to myself or those in my booking party, on or off premises of The Crescent Moon Tarot, LLC.


**Please Note: Any discrepancies with merchandise, payment and/or shipping , or for anything pertaining to or, are to be directed to or The Crescent Moon Tarot LLC is a separate entity and is not responsible for anything pertaining to any website or transactions beyond our own at

The Crescent Moon Tarot, LLC reserves the right to refuse service based on their own discretion.

*Please note that these Terms may be updated at any time.*

*All Readings, Coaching, Hypnosis, Instruction, Healing and all other services are for guidance purposes only.*

*The Crescent Moon Tarot is a Safe Space regardless of, but not limited to,  belief system, gender identity or orientation, race or ethnicity, or spirituality.


*For Entertainment Purposes Only*


Please direct inquiries to



The Crescent Moon Tarot, LLC

63 Eddie Dowling Hwy, Ste 7

North Smithfield, RI 02896


© Copyright


©2018-2024 by The Crescent Moon Tarot, LLC

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