Spooky season officially begins July 5th. This is when all of the Halloween decor, or shall I say "home decor" awakens from it's slumber to the store shelves. This, though, is not the start of Witchy season. Witchy season begins as the air grows a little crisper at night. But then again, for some of us, Witchy Season is year round.
As we roll into late summer, dreaming of cooler weather, we all kick off our day with our morning drink - tea or coffee, take your pick. We think about what we want to achieve today as we sip on our "get-moving juice" (or as some like to call it, the "keep-us-from-jail-juice") - for me, that's a cup of coffee. We set our intentions, our goals, into that cup. It may seem like a small thing, but it really sets the tone for the whole day. Trust me, skip it one day and see how everything goes off track. You'll also notice the colors you choose to wear will reflect your intent, the same with the accessories you pick. You'll notice more how you vibe with others, whether at work, out and about, or at home. You might feel the need to find a quiet moment for a short meditation. Maybe you'll even pull some tarot or oracle cards for some extra guidance come mid-afternoon. When you finally get back home at the end of your day, you'll change into comfy clothes, unwind and decompress with your favorite crystal or meditation stone. You'll find yourself keeping an eye on the moon phases. If you're feeling the connection, you might even make some moon water to give your housework a bit of an extra boost.

If any of this stuff rings a bell for you, congrats, you're officially part of the year-round Witchy Squad. So, what does that entail? Well, honestly, it's a "do what moves you" kind of vibe. No one can tell you how your path is meant to go. That said, though, I do have some helpful hints to share.
First off, for the sake of my sanity, can we please not use the term "baby witch"? You're a capable, responsible individual, able to make your own choices and handle the consequences of said choices. The term "baby" implies that you are not responsible for yourself or your actions, and as you've already chosen this path, you clearly are.

There's no mandate to how to must look, or present yourself. You can be business casual, hippie, goth or follow your own vibe. You don't need a black cat, or a spider as pet. Though, if you do, that's awesome.
(My jumping spider, Astrid, is pictured). Do you. The aesthetic is what you make it. What is the most comfortable to you. There is no wrong way to be you. So dress as you are the most comfortable.
There's no subset you must subscribe to. Kitchen witch, hedge witch, divination witch, etc. Honestly, it's labeling yourself for the sake of a label, and it's completely unnecessary. If you need it, fine, but it really doesn't have an effect any which way on your path.
You don't need to follow any particular religion. That said, you can do either or both. Being a witch isn't a religion. Wicca is a religion. Being a witch doesn't make you Wiccan. Take it from me, I'm not Wiccan. Witchcraft is the practice, the spell work. Can you be a witch and not do the spell work? Yes. Inevitably life can get in the way and the practice goes out the window. It happens. That's ok. Sometimes it takes months to get back into working spells and that is absolutely ok. Paganism is a belief, a philosophy. It's the umbrella that encompasses all of this. If you don't want to call yourself a witch, but can't find the "right fit", Paganism might be it.
You don't need to subscribe to a specific deity, or any for that matter. Or you may be drawn to several. Or you may cycle through several. That's all ok. Do what moves you. What feels right. There's no wrong way for you to go on your witchy path.

Because we're getting closer to Halloween, this is a big one - Don't Dabble. This is the time of year when spirit boards are a hot commodity. People want to "play". It's not a toy, it's a tool, actually. The same way a pendulum, and tarot cards are a tool. Learn the parts of your path that you want to gain knowledge in. Tinkering and dabbling with things unknown are asking for trouble and it will absolutely come. If you take nothing else from this article, take this: learn your craft. Take classes. Don't open doors that you don't know how to close. It ends up making a mess that the rest of us end up having to clean up. It's disrespectful. And your own consequences may be much worse, and you might just be left to deal with them on your own.
What it all comes down to is very simple. Do your due diligence and research. Learn all you can. Take mentorship programs, take classes. Research is everything. It's more than an aesthetic. It's a way of life. And now, knowing this, let's roll into Witchy Season.
There are mentorship programs that I offer listed from the menu as Spiritual & Psychic Programs.