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Which Oracle Card do you need today?

Updated: Dec 9, 2018

Take a minute and focus. See what card you are drawn to.


Which of these are you drawn to?


Correspond your number here


If you chose number 1, you chose Discernment. Discernment is a need for awareness. Use your senses to help to determine truth and actions. Your senses can help or hinder, so it's up to you to raise your awareness to discern well.


If you chose number 2, you chose Adventure. Adventure is your willingness to learn. Go out and seek and explore. Be spontaneous . Learn everything you can about everything you can.


If you chose number 3, you chose Awakening. Awakening is the recognition of "seeing the light" or dispelling the darkness. It shows in all faiths and belief systems. It can mean that a truth has been uncovered in a situation or in yourself. You could be ready to start something new, or that you are able to liberate from something else. Your awakening is specific to you. Embrace it and nurture it.

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