So, what is Spiritual Coaching? What can I expect in a Spiritual Coaching Session? What is Tarot Coaching? What's the difference between the two? How can I know what is right for me? Here's a Q & A for what's what in Spiritual Coaching Sessions and Tarot Coaching Sessions.
What is Spiritual Coaching?
Spiritual Coaching is guidance. In the simplest terms, helping you to reach your best self and find your soul's truest purpose. So what does that really mean? It means, this type of coaching, among others, is designed to help you navigate the obstacles in the path before you, so you can become the best version of yourself.
Do you need to be religious?
Not at all. Whatever your belief system, whether it's Christian, Agnostic, Pagan, or other, an organized religion isn't as important as your belief in a higher power somewhere, be it in heaven, the cosmos or within yourself. Your spirituality will help you to set forth the changes you need for forward movement.
Is this counseling or therapy?
No, not at all. It's not a substitute for either one. In fact, if necessary, you may consider counseling or therapy along with your Spiritual Coaching Sessions. I may even suggest that you consider either or.
Is it a quick and easy enlightenment?
For Spiritual Coaching, it's necessary to be willing to put in the effort and do the work. It's a very personal change that can't be done for you. You must be willing to want to better yourself. It's not an overnight process. In some cases, one session may be enough, however, in most sessions, a series is necessary.
How does the use of Tarot or Oracle Cards assist the session?
Tarot and Oracle can help to see alternatives to overcome obstacles and help to set priorities. Sometimes we can become stuck in a question and are to completely blank to an answer. Tarot and Oracle are a bit of guidance to assist past the blockage to show you how to get to your answer. They do not answer the question for you, but they can help guide you along to get to your answer.
Do you also use Angel Cards?
Indeed, I do. Sometimes we need guidance from the Angels and some clients prefer Angel guidance over Tarot guidance. Sometimes the messages from the Angels is necessary for forward movement, when Tarot can call us out on what we need to change, Angels can give us a little more direction to get to that change.
What happens in session?
We will begin with a meditation, or a prayer, if that's your preference. We will ask for enlightenment to help you in achieving your goals and overcoming your obstacles. If you aren't sure how to meditate, I'll walk you through the process with a guided meditation. From here, I'll ask you questions. You're welcome to use this time to talk about yourself, or to vent if need be. You'll see me taking notes. Notes are so helpful because that's how we can track your evolution. I will as questions to come up with a plan of motion, which is what we will use to help you best achieve your goals. A plan of motion is adaptable if your goals change, which can happen as sessions progress. Transformation, growth, strength and positivity are what will make these sessions effective and successful. Putting in the time and effort for your growth is essential. I believe you can accomplish what you set your mind to. It's time for you to believe that too.
How many Spiritual Coaching Sessions will I need?
Each person is different. Some can manage with just one session, while others may need upwards of 12 and some enjoy their Spiritual Coaching so much that they continue their sessions moving on to other goals. There's no way to know exactly how many sessions you many need until we've devised your plan of motion.
Why do I have homework from my Spiritual Coaching Session?
As mentioned above, it's important to put in the effort and do the work. A lot of homework is journaling between sessions. A lot can happen in two to four weeks. This journaling is what we will go over in your next session. Validation of the feelings and experiences and why you are experiencing these feelings are important to forward movement and your plan of motion.

What is Tarot Coaching?
Tarot Coaching is a way to set and prioritize goals by way of Tarot Readings for 8 specific life areas. Once prioritized, a plan is devised for the best method of achieving these goals with a flexile, realistic deadline in place for you to meet these goals.
How many sessions are necessary for Tarot Coaching?
As with Spiritual Coaching, there's no way to know until we have a plan of motion. Some may only need five sessions, some may need up to six, to cover all life areas, and some like to continue on to work on new goal plans and priorities after they have accomplished the first set goal.
Are Oracle Cards used in Tarot Coaching?
No, and yes. The 8 life area readings are all Tarot. Once we look into specific questions when working on prioritizing, Oracle can be added to the Tarot Cards for some direction on where to proceed with the next steps.
What happens in Tarot Coaching Sessions?
As with Spiritual Coaching, we begin each session with a meditation. If you struggle with meditation, don't worry, I'll walk you through it. Once our meditation is complete, specific Tarot Readings will look into areas of your life. Of these Readings, you will prioritize the order in which we focus on them. This may easily take up the first 2 sessions. We will also take some time to focus on the people in your life, as they are a part of your life areas. Your next session will focus on setting realistic goals for your life areas. You may decided to change your priorities in this session, as you will see clearer how realistic some goals may be over others. Your next session after goal setting, is for creating a forward plan of movement. There is homework in the form of journaling to be done between sessions, which we will go over in each session.
Is it possible to do both Spiritual Coaching and Tarot Coaching Sessions?
It is, but I wouldn't suggest doing both at the same time. Both require a significant bit of focus and energy. If you feel drawn to both, I would suggest choosing the one that you feel most drawn to first. Upon finishing the sessions, take some time for yourself. If you still feel you need the other sessions, so be it.
Does coaching seem like it's the right choice for you? Are you looking for guidance to better yourself or prioritize and reach your goals? Contact guidance@thecrescentmoontarot.com for more information or to help you decided what is the right course of action for you.