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What is an Akashic Records Facilitator and What are the Akashic Records?

The Hall of Akashic Records is a library of souls. It houses every life ever lived, every life currently living, and every life that will ever be lived. It holds knowledge of every soul incarnation. Every soul agreement ever made and ever going to be made.

Before we incarnate each lifetime, we agree to lessons, obstacles to challenge us. Our lives here are are like hands on classrooms. Learn things, make mistakes, learn from those mistakes. Pass on knowledge attained. Be better than you were the day before. Have compassion. Do the math. Get it wrong, do it again. Go through your traumas. Come out on the other side all the stronger. Sometimes traumas are medical in nature, sometimes they're wrong doings to us. All are because of soul agreements before we enter these lifetimes.

Soul agreements are with other souls too, to help us with lessons. So there are times when we've been wronged but we needed to be wronged for our lesson. In those cases, we had prior agreements with those souls, therefore karma is not a factor. Now, to be clear, this is not the case every time. Sometimes we are wronged by someone not holding up to their soul's intended lessons or agreements and karma will step in there. Usually these are repeat offender cycles where they are not learning their own lessons. Karma will step in then. But I digress...

What is an Akashic Records Facilitator? Simply put, a Facilitator is someone who can access the Akashic Records and read, adjust or amend the client's records of their lifetimes lived and yet to live, with the client's permission. Nothing can be done to your Records without your permission. The client and their Facilitator can only access the client's own Records. No one else's. The Facilitator can read, alter or make amendments to their own Records, but no one else's without permission. So it isn't possible for someone to look up and amend your Akashic Records for you, unless you are in their soul contract. Then the contract itself can be changed as needed, that's the closest they can get to your records.

Why would you need an Akashic Records Reading? It will help you to break your own patterns and cycles, both in your current life and past lives. It will help you on a soul-level, to find your truth and purpose. It will show who you truly are without any constraints or pressures of society or family. To experience a healing that can transform the rest of your life. It can show you the root of issues or problems from your past. To look into the possibilities and probable aspects of your future.

I hope this helps clear some things up. If you have more questions, please feel free to reach out.


The Crescent Moon Tarot, LLC

63 Eddie Dowling Hwy, Ste 7

North Smithfield, RI 02896


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