Energy is everywhere. It's all around us, it makes us up, it makes up every aspect of our lives. Every minutia, every fraction of a second, we're encountering energy. Our aura, our own personal energy field, is constantly encountering more energy, it's an endless cycle.
If you're sensitive to energies, you're an Empath*. You need to be able to ground yourself, shedding excess energies you've taken on throughout your day. Even if you're not an Empath, grounding is still important, because regardless of if you feel it effecting you, you've still taken on energies from your encounters.

If you've met with me before, you'll be familiar with the Tree Meditation**. It's my go to. I love it because it's a quick visual meditation that you can easily use as needed. I use this multiple times a day, before and after all of my appointments and readings. Sometimes, though, you might need to give it a boost.

Another simple way to ground is to walk barefoot outside in the grass or dirt. Concrete, asphalt or cement will not be ideal, but if you have nothing else, it'll do. If you have access to sand or soil, dirt or flora, that's better and where the benefits lie. In areas where you experience all four seasons, this is not a year round solution, however if you're in a tropical or subtropical climate, this is another simple grounding for you. Walk around feeling the earth beneath your feet. Allow earth to revitalize and refresh your energy.

Not surprisingly, crystals are another great way to ground as they themselves come from earth. There are many crystals that will do the job well, however, the best, in my opinion, are hematite, clear quartz and smoky quartz, tiger's eye*** and a number of jaspers. To pick out your crystal, choose the one you are most attracted to. Wear them, carry them, meditate with them. They'll help to ground you just being in close proximity to you, in your auric field, but having them on you will work better.

Running water is another great way to ground. Rivers, brooks, spring lakes, the ocean are naturally grounding. Ever wonder why the beach feels so amazingly relaxing? You're well grounded there. If you can't access the beach when grounding is necessary, that's okay. You can run a bath or shower. No time? Run your hands under tepid water for a few minutes. As you submerge your whole self, or just your hands or your feet, in the water, visualize the energies you've accumulated washing away. Feel yourself getting lighter.

The next topic I'm going to touch on here does tie into some of the others, but work with me, it's relevant. Surrounding yourself with nature. Yes, it counts barefoot, in the sand, at the beach, wearing your crystals and seeing the trees off to the side down the beach. But, you can absolutely go for a hike on a nature trail in hiking boots, crystal-less and still get it's benefits. Nature resets us. It resets our rhythm and our energy. Do you want to feel more relaxed and at peace? Go for a hike out in nature. Just remember your insect repellant and sunscreen.

Lastly, meditation. You can sit in your own sacred space, breathe deep. In your breathing, breathe in the good and peaceful, light energy. Exhale the energies you've accumulated. Breathe through this meditation for as long as you can, but ten minutes here is a great place to start from. Feel yourself refreshed and revitalized from this meditation and allow yourself to relax as well.
Use any of these methods to ground yourself. Ground yourself well, ground yourself often. You'll feel the difference the more you do. There are more ways to ground, so do what feels right to you.
Until next time, be well. Be grounded.
*See more on Empaths here.
**See Tree Meditation here.
*** Tiger's Eye is naturally a golden/brown color. Color variants, blue, green, red are due to dyes and no not change the properties of this stone.