14 Dec: As we get closer to the new year, we think about our resolutions. We think about if we are even going to bother making any resolutions. To be honest, the only resolution I've ever kept, was the resolution of not making a resolution. But it's time. It's time to make a resolution to change for the better. To change ourselves. To change our relationships with each other. To change how we treat the world we have, and the people, the animals, the vegetation. That's the purpose of a resolution, anyway; to make a change. So why not? Because right now, we're really not doing much to change the world. We may drink from reusable water bottles rather than disposable. We may not run the water while brushing our teeth. But those are things we do every day. They're great things. But if you're already doing something, you can probably do another small thing. And another. And not really notice it in your day to day life. So resolve to be better. Because while we are waiting for the world to change, the world is waiting on us.