9 Dec: We've all heard of toxic people, and that we should all cut them out. Well, many of us hear it, but are lacking on the follow-through. Well, this is your reminder to do it. Cut out those people who put you down. The people who make you think you aren't good enough. The ones who call you names. Gas-lighters. The ones who lie. The ones that betray. It doesn't matter how close you once were. It doesn't matter if they're related. It doesn't matter if they used to be your best friend. It doesn't matter that it's the "holiday season". Take a good hard look at this card. Are those swords standing on their own? No, that poor man was stabbed in the back. Betrayed. By those toxic people. If you don't cut them out, you are giving them the opportunity to do this to you. To betray you. To stab you in the back. So, stand your ground. Stand up for yourself. Stand tall. And cut the toxic out of your life. Honestly, don't we all deserve better than that, anyway?