It's getting nearer to that time of year again. Autumn. My favorite season, and in my opinion, the prettiest season here in New England. It's a time for bonfires, hoodies, fuzzy boots, cool, crisp air, hot chocolate, falling leaves, horror movies, witchy movies, hot apple cider, witchy vibes, ghosts, spirit activity, seances, spirit boards and of course, Halloween.

We've all heard that All Hallows Eve is when the veil, that wall between the spirit world and our own, is the thinnest. Did you know that it isn't just at Halloween? The veil between our worlds is thinnest the dark half of the year, that means from the Autumn Equinox (the first day of fall) to the Vernal Equinox (the first day of spring), when the days are shorter and the nights are longer. All through Autumn and Winter, Spirit is close by, closer than you may think.

During this time, especially in fall, witchy aesthetic comes more into fashion, and with it, dabbling in spell work, spirit boards, paranormal investigation and more. Dabbling is dangerous business. These, among others, require proper knowledge and respect when working these methods.
Spell work is a craft. It takes time and dedication. Spells often take months to work out as they're meant to. It's definitely not for instant gratification. Often times, beginner spells don't work at all, until you learn over time how to weave them as they're meant to work, with patience as a key factor. Some spells take years to work, others can take months. Rarely, if ever, will a spell work out with results immediately. Often, if you're seeing immediate results, it's not due to your spell work, I'm sorry to say. It's devine timing. The universe works in odd and quirky ways.
Spirit work can take even longer than spells, without the help of spirit boards and other tools like it. Mediumship can take years to craft. However, because of the ease of procuring a spirit board from the mass produced market, it makes it easier for people to dabble in spirit. I'll be truthful, a younger me was also guilty of using a spirit board when I really should not have. I have quite a few spirit board horror stories. That's why I learned all I could on proper etiquette, usage and storage, and that's also why I offer Spirit Board Sessions and Table Tipping so that others can safely and effectively have a spirit session. Dabbling is dangerous. Just ask anyone who has played with a Ouija board and had a serious fright. My own Ouija board stories are scary.

Paranormal Investigating is another facet of this world that doesn't get the proper respect. It's common to see people recording themselves being rude to spirit for a result. They may have some knowledge of the tools they're bring with them, but no real knowledge of protections, how to make sure there are no attachments, or how to properly interact with spirit. There's no way to know what spirit you'll encounter, either. There are proper ways to conduct yourself, and it's rare to see it, truthfully. I've been on investigations where everything has gone smoothly, because everyone was knowledgeable and kept to etiquette, and I've been on investigations where I was afraid for those in the same group, because of their ill behavior and blatant disrespect for spirit. For those who take Paranormal Investigation seriously, it's not a game, it's not a joke, and there is a learning curve, not just the technicalities, but also in respect and boundaries with spirit. Again, dabbling is not suggested.

Knowledge is power, and knowing is half the battle. Yes, I mixed the sayings, but learning the ways of these methods is better for everyone involved.
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