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Tarot, Fortune-Telling, Psychic Misconceptions

Photo: Marcia Robinson

Tarot is not predicting the future. That is an all too common misconception. Too often, I hear and see a lot of wrong information about Tarot, Tarot Readers, Psychics and Fortune-Telling. Here, I'll dive into a little of each to clear some things up.

Gif: Marcia Robinson, True Black Tarot

To start, the word Tarot (pronounced "Ta/roh", as the last "T" is silent) comes from the Italian word Trionfi, meaning "triumph". The 78 card deck is broken down into the Major Arcana of 22 pictorial cards, and the Minor Arcana of 56 pictorial cards. The Minor Arcana is then broken down again into four suits, each suit consisting of nine pips, or numbered cards two through ten, an ace and four court cards: Page, Knight, Queen, King, or their equivalent. These cards are then chosen and laid out in various formats called spreads. Each card relating to a specific position in the spread and therefore given a specific meaning in addition to the meaning of the card itself, or the reader's intuitive interpretation. The combination of the cards' and spreads' layout is meant to give guidance to the sitter. It is not telling the sitter their fortune, or predicting a set future.

Photo: Marcia Robinson

Fortune-telling, to many readers, is a derogatory term, applied to charlatans. It's the suggestion that your future can be predicted and isn't the subject of free will. Though there are still some who will use the term in good faith that the sitter knows it doesn't actually mean to predict a future written in stone. Any reader worth their salt will disclose that you, the sitter, will be able to change the course of what your reading unfolds. This is because free will gives us open opportunity to make split second decisions that will change the course of our paths.

Oftentimes, I'll hear "I don't want to know when I'm going to die" and this is cringeworthy, because no reader should ever give you, or even hint toward knowing, when anyone is going to die. Why? Free will. I'll give an example. A car accident caused by a drunk driver takes the life a person walking their dog on the sidewalk. The drunk driver used free will to drink then drive. The person walking their dog on the sidewalk used free will to take the dog in that particular direction, lets say they turned right when walking out their door. Alter one and the outcome changes. Drunk driver still drinks and drives, but this time the dog walker turns in the other direction, left to walk the dog on the sidewalk. Now the drunk driver may only hit the curb, or a stationary object like a fence. The person walking the dog still has their life. There are too many times where free will can intersect with another's free will so therefore, nothing is set in stone.

On the other side of that, if a Spirit were to connect with a medium, they may absolutely be able to tell the cause of passing, but that's only once it's happened. Speaking of Spirit and mediums... Mediumship is nothing like the movies. We seldom, if ever, see apparitions every time we communicate with Spirit, that's just not how it works. Granted, every medium works differently, but I don't know a single medium who can see a life-sized, full person to chat away with all "Julie and The Phantoms" style. Mediumship works hand in hand with our psychic abilities. For a Spirit to use up that much energy to be an apparition when you can already communicate with them, that's just exhausting the Spirit.

Sometimes, someone will come in for a psychic reading and say, "Please don't read my mind". That's not really a thing. The closest to a mind-reader is what's known as a Mentalist, who does this neat little magic trick watching for subtle cues and tells to determine what you're most likely to think in regards to what they've steered you towards. It's really fascinating to witness, but it still isn't mind-reading. Rest assured, your mind is safe. Your thoughts are another story however, because we can absolutely project our thoughts to our facial expressions. The phrase, "it's written all over your face" is what we usually hear when this happens. You can see this in the photo below. I'm talking to my sister. It was nothing I can remember, but it was clearly a pleasant conversation as my sister has a genuine smile on her face. Of course, teenaged me was highly amusing, and troublesome, my sister was often smiling at my antics. From her face though, we can tell it was amusing, whatever the case may be. It's written all over her face.

My sister (left) and me (right) as teens, humoring family to take photos with the Christmas scene. We were having a conversation when this candid was snapped. I have no idea what we were talking about, but it was good because my sister was smiling!

Another misconception is that Readers aren't regular type everyday people, and therefore, held to a higher standard. It happens all too often that I, and several other readers that I've spoken to, will get a surprised, "Oh my gosh, it's really you", which I have to admit, makes me chuckle. I'm not famous or even remotely close, but that reaction is amusing. We are regular people that still have to do everyday things that everyday people do. We grew up having to go to school like everyone else. We burn toast. We set off the smoke detector when we sage the house (still). We have family drama. We have best friends. We go out. We see movies and concerts. We might've even rebelled a few times. We have housework. We have hobbies. I even had to take picture with a giant abominable snowman with my sister, that was not our choice. We are everyday people with a gift of extra insight and a connection to spirit.

I've touched on a few of the misconceptions, there are so many more. I hope this helps clear some things up.

Classes are available for Tarot and Mediumship.



The Crescent Moon Tarot, LLC

63 Eddie Dowling Hwy, Ste 7

North Smithfield, RI 02896


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