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Tarot Decks: Falling Out and Falling In

Have you ever had a favorite thing or a favorite hobby, and one day, you were just over it? Almost like you just needed to take a break from it for a little while. It can happen with your tarot cards too. You almost never hear about it. But I'm going to tell you about my personal fall out with my cards, and maybe it can help you with yours.

I got my first deck when I was 16 years old. Universal Waite. Blue backs with metallic gold stars. It was a 1990 edition, though I got it in 1996. I used it so much, it started to wear the edges very early on. I was beyond excited. Accuracy was on point. Scared some friends. Scared myself, too.

No one mentioned that you could have a falling out with your cards. To be fair, I had to muddle my way around, this was before the internet blew up, and going to the library had to be discreet. There were only two "occult bookshops" local to me then.

I feel the need to mention, it never occurred to me to have more than one deck. Now, I have too many to sit down and count, but then, I thought one deck would suffice. I was wrong.

My cards moved cross-country with me. I knew no one there but my best friend and roommate, and she wasn't into the whole witchy thing. I seldom took my cards or my pendulums out of my room.

I had gone from using my cards almost daily for years to maybe once every few months. I had lost the connection to my cards. They didn't call to me like they used to. I tried doing a reboot. I charged them in the full moon. I kept them in salt. I reordered them in sequence from Major Arcana, Cups, Wands, Swords and Pentacles. I slept with them near my pillow. Nothing worked. I used my other methods of divination at this time, runes, pendulums and mirror scrying were my go to when I couldn't get what I needed from my deck.

I checked out other metaphysical and occult bookshops, but no one could tell me why the fall out or recommend an alternative. I kept using my cards in all this time, but it just wasn't the same. It just felt detached. The accuracy was still there but that connection to my cards was different.

It wasn't until I moved back cross-country that the suggestion was made to me by another witch I knew, to get another tarot deck. What? You could do that? It felt like betraying my deck. But, I did it.

After all this time struggling with my connection, it turned out that my deck wasn't the right deck to use for everything I was trying to use it for. Once I got one more deck, the collection rapidly started to grow. Each deck has a very specific energy and personality. You may have had a few readings form me and noticed it's been with the same deck, or you may have noticed it's a different deck every time. That's because it depends on the energy I feel as so the deck I use. When I travel for readings, I always have a few decks with me.

I now have more decks than I'd like to count. As I do readings for a living, I should have a lot. But for the novice reader, I do recommend having at least three decks. I recommend starting your reading practice with a Rider Waite or Universal Waite deck, and having at least two other Rider Waite based decks (after you've learned your Rider Waite).

Find decks that speak to you. That have vibrant colors and imagery. Feel the energy the decks give off and find one that blends and melds with your own. Your decks should feel like home. Sleep with your decks near your pillow, on a night stand or or on the floor just under the head of your bed. Cleanse then in a sprinkle of salt, and charge them under the full moon.

Once you and your decks have connected, start shuffling and feel the energy of your deck as you do it. Shuffle your deck letting thoughts flitter in and out of your mind, don't concentrate on any one thought. Shuffle your deck often. It lets your deck get to know you.

Start doing daily pulls. If you aren't sure how to do it, I'll walk you through here. I suggest having your morning cup of coffee or tea, first. Go into a quiet space, free of distraction. If you have a pet, don't worry about shutting them out. Their energy is good for you. Shuffle your deck thinking about your day. Thinking about the message you need to carry with you for your day. What is it that you need to be aware of. Keep shuffling until you feel the cards are in the right order. Spread out the entire deck as if it were dominoes tipping over, pull the card that you feel drawn to, from anywhere in the deck. Take a deep, relaxing breath. Turn your card.

This is your message for today. If it's a positive message, awesome! Go spread that positivity. If it's a negative card, that is your warning to be on the lookout to protect your energy. Remember the cards that scare everyone aren't necessarily scary. Death, The Devil and The Tower are the ones in my experience that freak people out, but they are not as bad as they seem. If you aren't sure what to make of your card pull, comment below, or send me a message. I'd be happy to help you understand your pull a bit better.

Now that you know how to deal with a falling out and a falling in, go on and enjoy your decks. Draw a card daily. Be bold and draw three!

If you'd like to know more about my journey, I'm currently writing a book. I'll post about it in future blogs when it will be out.

I'm also working on The Crescent Moon Tarot Deck which is getting ready for it's kickstarter debut. For more on this, contact me.



The Crescent Moon Tarot, LLC

63 Eddie Dowling Hwy, Ste 7

North Smithfield, RI 02896


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