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Tarot Birth Cards

Curious to know about your birth cards? I'll help break it down.

First, add your birth date:

  • MM+DD+YY+YY= _____

  • If you have a two digit number, add the two numbers together (ex. 53 would be 5+3=8)

  • If you have a three digit number (ex. 123), add the first two digits to the third (ex. 12+3=15) break it down further by adding the two digits together again (ex. 1+5=6)

Now you are ready for your cards!

1. The Magician/ 10. The Wheel/19. The Sun

Your life's path represents connection, destiny, abundance and grace among the cycles of life.

2. The High Priestess/ 11. Justice/ 20. Judgement

Your life's path is balance, intuition, truth, understanding and reconciliation.

3. The Empress/ 12. The Hanged Man/ 21. The World

Your life's path is stepping onward to new and exciting things, out of the realm of the typical.

4. The Emperor/ 13. Death

Your life's path is adapting to changes as they come and helping those who struggle with it.

5. The Heirophant/ 14. Temperance

Your life's path is guiding without leading with love and understanding.

6. The Lovers/ 15. The Devil

Your life's path is holding love to all things, keeping commitments and not allowing anyone to hold anything over your head.

7. The Chariot/16. The Tower

Your life's path is maintaining control amid the chaos.

8. Strength/17. The Star

Your life's path is trusting your own strength and letting it guide you.

9. The Hermit/18. The Moon

Your life's path shedding light into the darkness, follow and trust that your intuition will not let you fall.


The Crescent Moon Tarot, LLC

63 Eddie Dowling Hwy, Ste 7

North Smithfield, RI 02896


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