Curious to know about your birth cards? I'll help break it down.
First, add your birth date:
MM+DD+YY+YY= _____
If you have a two digit number, add the two numbers together (ex. 53 would be 5+3=8)
If you have a three digit number (ex. 123), add the first two digits to the third (ex. 12+3=15) break it down further by adding the two digits together again (ex. 1+5=6)
Now you are ready for your cards!
1. The Magician/ 10. The Wheel/19. The Sun
Your life's path represents connection, destiny, abundance and grace among the cycles of life.
2. The High Priestess/ 11. Justice/ 20. Judgement
Your life's path is balance, intuition, truth, understanding and reconciliation.
3. The Empress/ 12. The Hanged Man/ 21. The World
Your life's path is stepping onward to new and exciting things, out of the realm of the typical.
4. The Emperor/ 13. Death
Your life's path is adapting to changes as they come and helping those who struggle with it.
5. The Heirophant/ 14. Temperance
Your life's path is guiding without leading with love and understanding.
6. The Lovers/ 15. The Devil
Your life's path is holding love to all things, keeping commitments and not allowing anyone to hold anything over your head.
7. The Chariot/16. The Tower
Your life's path is maintaining control amid the chaos.
8. Strength/17. The Star
Your life's path is trusting your own strength and letting it guide you.
9. The Hermit/18. The Moon
Your life's path shedding light into the darkness, follow and trust that your intuition will not let you fall.