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Talking Tarot - Overview 1/78

Hello! You've made it to my Tarot Talk! I'm pulling cards as one would pull a card a day for themselves, so there will be order in chaos, not sequential order, or Arcana order. Whatever comes, will come. I thought today's fitting.

From the Witches Tarot by Ellen Dugan. I like this deck so much, this is my 2nd replacement deck.

Today's card is The Lovers.

  • 6th trump card (Major Arcana)

  • indicates partnerships

  • an equal; peer

  • relationship choices

  • commitment

  • temptations

  • compromises with partner

  • and more

As a reversal, it can mean

  • unrequited love

  • selfishness

  • disharmony with partnership

  • dissatisfaction with relationship

  • and more

There's really so much going on here. Because we're looking at just one card, it's placement in conjuncture to others is going to remain off topic. There is so much down the rabbit hole otherwise, we'd be in Wonderland for days.

It's important to note, it's not necessarily a romantic card. It typically isn't. Partnerships and peers and equals.... that's what we aspire to have with most relationships, from friendships to business partners to romantic partners. It's a good card to have come up because it means that even if that equality isn't there yet, it's coming. The relationship is going to be a good foundation to grow from, as a good marriage would be. Not that there won't be ups and downs, they will always be there, but getting through them, with someone at your side to help you, as you help them. That's the big take away.

If you're interested in learning more, register for my class on Intuitive Tarot.


The Crescent Moon Tarot, LLC

63 Eddie Dowling Hwy, Ste 7

North Smithfield, RI 02896


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