I recently shared this image on my Facebook page, and have previously shared it, and it always surprises people.
Spirits can attach to anything, or nothing at all. Some spirits are wanderers and some linger where their favorite items or people are. You can pick up a spirit in passing, by obtaining ownership of an older item, or obtaining property.
Land-locked, or property spirits have an attachment to the land or house. They have a connection to the land by owning it, living on it or working it. Other spirits will attach or houses or buildings where they emotionally connected. Some had their happiest times there, some had lots of trauma.
Items and heirlooms can also have spirit attachments. Sometimes their favorite things were hard to part from.
Here's the thing with attachments. Although a lot of people tend to be fearful of their resident spirit, they're rarely negative. If you have an spirit in your home from an item you've acquired or from the land, remember that they were once people too. Talk to them. Remind them that the property in question is now under your care. Leave an offering to them of tobacco (really, it helps, I promise) and set some boundaries. Be firm but not rude if they happen to accidentally cross your boundaries. They key is to live harmoniously with spirit. Who knows, you may decide you'd like to linger one day too. Be respectful and ask for respect in return.
Spirit is everywhere. Questions? Let me know. Reach out to your local paranormal investigators or local readers. We're always here to help.