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Soul Connections, Soul-Mates & Twin Flames

I feel like everywhere I look, someone is posting about their (non) twin flame. The number of people in unstable relationships saying how their partner is a twin flame is disheartening. There's a severe misunderstanding of these relationships, so without further ado, let's begin the clarification of these relationships.

Let's begin with typical soul-mates. Soul-mates are any soul, this includes animals, they have souls too, that has a connection to another soul, and through this connection, they help and heal each other.

In helping and healing, lessons are learned, experiences shared and bonded over, but soul-mates will be bettering themselves and each other. We can have soul-mates of any gender. We can have any number of soul-mates at any given time. They can be simultaneous, or one at a time (one at a time will happen more if you're a loner who doesn't connect with people). Your soul-mates can be romantic connections, or platonic. Soul-mates are our best friends, our most trusted confidante, our go to person or animal in any situation. Are you having an amazing day? Great! Who do you want to tell about it? Are you having a crappy day? Bummer. Who do you need to vent or unload the burden to? Are you feeling overwhelmed? Who do you reach out to? This can be blood relations, friends, dogs, cats, fish, anyone that you have a strong connection to.

Greek statue of Pluto, Adobe Stock Images

The story of the Twin Flame, you can see in different pantheons, but I'll be referencing the Greek story here. This reference dating back to Plato, as he himself has referenced it in his Symposium. As the story goes, humans once had four arms, four legs, two sets of reproduction organs, and a head with two faces. Fearing an uprising from these perfect humans, Zeus split these humans in two, leaving them distracted to wander the world in search of their other halves, relieving his fear of uprising.

I'd like to draw your attention to the word "perfect". That's important here. A twin flame relationship is perfect. This means a high vibrational union, not implying that it is lacking in flaws, but learning from flaws. A twin flame will never be a lower energy combination. Both parties are atypical soul-mates; soul-mates of the highest vibrational energies. In this union, you will only be lifting each other up. Not to say you won't argue, that's a part of life, but you'll quickly resolve your arguments and move on lifting each other up as your relationship progresses. Not only that, but unlike typical soul-mates, where each party can have many, twin flames are unique as there is only one for each soul. They are rare and exceedingly hard to find. Most people will not end up with their twin flame, and choose instead to remain with a typical soul-mate that has a higher connection.

If you and your partner are nothing but drama and fighting, not only is this not a soul-mate, this is also not a twin flame. This is a soul-connection. This type of relationship is full of lower energies and is actually an attachment. It's parasitic in nature, leaching off of the other until one is an empty shell of who they were. Neither of you are doing yourselves or each other any favors. This type of relationship is a ticking time bomb. From this type of relationship comes domestic abuse (physical, emotional, and/or mental), gaslighting or worse from narcissists, or other personality disorders that go or remain undiagnosed or untreated. You'll need to remove this attachment (usually a cord cutting will do the trick, though sometimes you'll need an advanced practitioner to perform it on your behalf) to be free of it, if you can't break free on your own. At times, we are too close to situations to see what to do clearly.

To be clear, I'm not saying that anyone with a personality disorder is destined for the latter. By seeking help to better yourself, find a medical professional who can help you come up with a treatment plan, following the plan and still being an advocate for yourself, you are already raising your vibration. That in and of itself, makes the difference. Once you begin to better yourself, you begin raising your vibration. Taking the time to work on ourselves is crucial. From there you will connect with soul-mates or twin flames.

I hope this clears up the vast amount of confusion and misunderstandings out there regarding soul-mates, twin flames and soul-connections. There is much more to all of these topics, I've only skimmed the surface of misconceptions here. Share this with someone who may need it.

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