I've been asked why my prices are what they are, and I thought it's a good time to explain how Readings are priced. So here's the breakdown of Psychic and Tarot Reading hourly rates. Mediumship rates are typically significantly higher, but that's a discussion for another day.
These numbers are based off of my own research of independent Readers with websites over the past two years. I did not include pricing from metaphysical shops, social media or psychic lines. These are the averages that I have found. If your Reader has been Reading for less than 5 years, your Reading should cost $15 - $30 an hour. If your Reader has been Reading for 5 -9 years, your Reading should costs $30 - 50 an hour. If your Reader has been Reading for 10 - 19 years, your Reading should cost $80 - $100 an hour. If your Reader has been Reading for 20 - 24 years, your Reading should cost $120 - $150 an hour. If your Reader has been Reading for over 25 years, your Reading should cost $160 - $200 an hour. Now to pay attention to where your Reader is reading from. Do they have an office or store front of their own? A website? Insurance? That gets factored into price, as well as other business expenses, that can tip to the higher end of the scale.
Read your Reader's bio. How long have they been reading? You can even ask how they came upon those rates. Lots of places that offer Readings, such as metaphysical stores, charge a flat rate for a service that doesn't consider the experience of your Reader. You may have a new Reader with minimal experience, or a seasoned Reader with many years or even decades of experience, all at the same price point to make it easier on the shop. Store prices are not the norm to base the price of what the Readings should cost for an hourly rate. It's typically far from it.
You should feel comfortable enough asking your Reader how long they've been Reading. It's something that each Reader should have available and at the ready to share with you. My hour long readings cost $150 currently. I should be charging a minimum of $10 more per hour to keep to the low end of standard rates. I was trying to keep my prices comparable with the going rates, and I have not raised my prices in a long time. I realized that I was doing a disservice not only to myself, but to other Readers who have similar years of experience, by under valuing my Readings. I try to keep my rates affordable, but with the cost of my office rent, insurance, website, as well as other business costs and bills, the overhead cost isn't cheap.
I hope this break down is helpful to you in understanding the costs and why each Reader has different prices. This information has been steadily researched by comparing experience in years of independent Readers (not metaphysical shops) versus the cost of a Reading per hour, nation wide, over the past 2 years to give you the most accurate and up to date rates of Psychic and Tarot Readings vs. the experience of the Reader, as I mentioned above.