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Psychic Scammers: What to Watch For

Updated: Feb 24, 2023

Let's face it, no one wants to be scammed. Unfortunately, because of the nature of psychic readings, it's easy for charlatans to rip people off. It gives psychic readers a bad rep.

Here is a simple list to use as a guide to help you avoid scammers. When you're ready to book your reading, keep these points in mind.

These points all fall under Reader Etiquette. There's things that we just don't do.

  1. No legitimate reader will ever ask you personal questions.

  2. No legitimate reader will seek you out for a reading.

  3. No legitimate reader will try to draw you in saying they're drawn to your energy.

  4. No legitimate reader will say you, or your family line, has a curse they can remove.

  5. No legitimate reader will suggest you get multiple readings with just them in a few month period.

  6. No legitimate reader will single you out saying your ancestors are reaching out.

  7. No legitimate reader will ever cold contact you.

So what does this all mean? The first point, this one is so important. It's an etiquette thing, but it also helps you to know your reader is legitimate. I don't like knowing anything about anyone. I need to trust what I'm getting and not feel like I'm being lead by what I'm told, so, if you've had readings from me, you've heard this, but don't tell me anything. I know a lot of readers who work the same way. We like knowing that we are connecting as we should be. You can tell us all about it after your reading has finished.

  • Acceptable questions are: Have you had a reading before?

This is our way to gage what we need to explain, if anything.

  • Does this make sense to you?

You'll hear this a lot and that's because it doesn't, and shouldn't, make sense to us. Validating this helps us to know that we are explaining things as we need to. If it doesn't make sense, our interpretation needs adjustment, and this is how we will know.

  • Occasionally we'll ask a question out of left field about something completely off topic. It's because it doesn't connect with what we are saying or we can't see the connection, so it's brought up for you to validate.

I almost always validate as a question. "What's the cat significant for?" "Who is the cigarette smoker?" "Why did you stop this job/class?" It's sometimes an odd question but if you can make sense of it, that's all that matters.

Getting back to our list, no valid Reader worth their salt will ever seek you out. Period. Ever. This means no one will contact you saying that they have a message for you. If you've been contacted by someone who needs to give you a message, turn tail and go in the other direction. The very nature of readings are that YOU determine when you are ready for a reading, not the reader.

Now that I've stressed the never ever... If you connect to a reader and you tell them that you're always open to receive messages from Spirit whenever they come through, that's altogether another story. That's a request you've made and set up with your reader.

You may have a reader tell you that they're drawn to your energy. That can sometimes be true. But we'll never reach out to you, as mentioned above. Doesn't matter how your energy is. These "readers" will usually talk about your aura. As aura reading is extremely subjective, it makes me leery.

If anyone tells you that you are cursed, I suggest seeking out a local witch to confirm that you are not. I can't tell you the number of times I've been sought out to confirm if they're really cursed. Of ALL of those people, not a single one was cursed. It's infuriating to know that these people are told this. Is it possible to be cursed, sure. It's also highly unlikely.

I, myself, get readings done at least twice a year. I went to a place local to me, a few years back. This lady was a total fraud. I could sense it as soon as I walked in, but I was curious what she'd say. She insisted I was cursed and I needed to give her $375 for her to remove my curse. Because I'm me, I stood up, called her out on being a fraud, left her my business card and walked out. I like to sus out who is valid because I refer clients to other readers when needed. I know some great psychics in the area and we all read differently. The ones who are scammers, I make it known that I know. I will never refer to someone who isn't legitimate. But I will absolutely let legitimate readers know about the fraud.

No reader will have you see them multiple times back to back. Again, it's YOUR choice to see a reader. If you feel drawn to see the same reader, that's completely fine. It's when a reader tells you that you need to come back for a reading every week, or a few times within a few months. Most readers will tell you outright that you should wait at least 4 months between readings. The exception is monthly check in readings which some people like to you and others avoid. Some people like knowing that they're still on track. That's ok as there's nothing specifically being looked into. The reason we suggest 4 months is because it takes time for things to unfold. Don't forget, readings can change, they aren't written in stone, so within a few months, things can start happening.

No reader will tell your your ancestors are reaching out with messages they can give to you. First of all, when Spirit messages come through, it's usually when you're ready to accept them. If you're ready for a reading, there's no reason for a reader to seek you out.

On that rare occasion, if a reader happens to be someone close to you, or amid friendly conversations they ask if you're open for a message from Spirit, that's acceptable. I do this sometimes if I'm feeling like maybe a friend needs the message, but I will not divulge more than "it's from Spirit" because I'm not doing a reading nor am I offering one. I say my piece and go right back into the conversation. There are no loved ones mentioned.

Lastly, this one is a personal peeve. Cold contacts. It makes me cringe. You see it on those Medium shows on TV. They're staged, in most cases, but still. If someone approaches you while you're out, walking down the street, in the super market. They'll say they have a message from a loved one in Spirit for you. The sad thing, is that they might be legitimate readers, but to approach someone like that, that's just bad etiquette. Not everyone is willing or ready to hear from loved ones in Spirit. There's no way to know who is going to be ok with receiving the message or who will be broken down in tears of grief. My suggestion here, tell them thank you but no thank you. If your loved one is trying to reach you, they'll be ready when you're ready. The reason I suggest saying no to a cold contact reading is because even if this reader is legitimate, that they disregard basic etiquette, it makes me wonder what other etiquette will be over looked. Confidentiality? If they blur one line, what's to stop blurring more?

So these are my helpful (I hope) hints and tips to avoid scammers. When in doubt, trust your gut. If it sounds too good to be true, it usually is.

That's all for now. Be safe. Be well.


*Note - There has been an uptick in Scammers lately. Please be aware our official social media accounts are:

Instagram: @thecrescentmoontarot

tiktok: @thecrescentmoontarot

If anyone reaches out from any other account claiming to be us, please report them. If anyone reaches out to sell you a reading or an item, please use your discretion. Do your due diligence to verify legitimacy.


The Crescent Moon Tarot, LLC

63 Eddie Dowling Hwy, Ste 7

North Smithfield, RI 02896


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