While this quarantine has been...interesting, it's been necessary on multiple fronts.
Healing, for the world.
Meditation, looking inward.
Inspiration to do the things we didn't know we needed to do.

And on that note, one of the things The Crescent Moon Tarot didn't know we needed to do was to create our very own tarot deck. The Crescent Moon Tarot Deck is a very different style deck from the collaboration with A Touch of Magick and Wicked Depiction for the deck A Touch of Magick Tarot, pictured at left. A Touch of Magick Tarot deck will be available for sale in the near future, at A Touch of Magick 195 S. Main St, Uxbridge, MA.
The Crescent Moon Tarot Deck will be headed to kick-starter very soon and it will need help from you to come to fruition. The kick-starter campaign will ask for backers to raise funds to get our deck printed. There will be several options to back our deck on kick-starter, by donation of any amount, pre-order amount, pre-order amount with a reading, pre-order amount of multiple decks with a reading and a hoodie. Any pre-order amounts will get you a copy of the deck, at a kick-starter price, once we reach our goal.

If you've never backed anything on kick-starter before, it's important to know the dollar amounts pledged will only come out of your account at the end of the campaign once our goal is met. If, on the unfortunate occasion, our goal is not met, no funds will come out of your account. Please be aware of this when you pledge to our kick-starter. This is also the reason we are asking for donations. The lower our kick-starter campaign is for, the more likely we will meet our goal. Because donations do not guarantee you a deck, what we will do is offer a "kick-starter price" which will be a discounted price from what it will retail at, to anyone who donates $30 or more. Just email us with your donation amount, donation platform and user name, and once our deck makes it to print, you'll just pay the difference in price to the kick-starter price.
We are asking for donations before we get to kick-starter, to be sent to our PayPal, Venmo, and CashApp. Please note, these donations are not a pre-order, they are just donations to help us get there. We are looking to raise $5,000 when we get kick-starter going in order for us to get the quality and quantity we are hoping for and have a limited window to raise it, so we are trying out this route to get us there a bit sooner. Whatever we can raise here, we will deduct from the amount we need on kick-starter, for example, if we can raise $2,000 here, we will make our kick-starter for $3,000. Our goal is to get enough to be able to get our deck printed and into your lovely hands. We will be putting all profits back into the deck to get a second run printed so it can be readily available for sale here on our website, on Etsy, Amazon and hopefully in local metaphysical shops.
If you can help us out, any donation is greatly appreciated. I will be offering readings every Sunday for a donation of $20 or more to go to our fundraising. Partial profit of Teespring merchandise will go towards funding (the other portion will go to Aria, as stated).
Please send donations of any dollar amount to any of these platforms with the memo "donation" or the crystal ball icon.
Paypal: paypal.me/thecrescentmoontarot
CashApp: $thecrescentmoontarot
Venmo: @thecrescentmoontarot
We humbly thank you for believing in us. This deck is so special to me and my family and we cannot wait to get it from concept to print and into your hands!
Do you have questions? Send a message, chat or comment.