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Now offering Tarot Classes!

Universal Tarot, Professional Edition by Lo Scarabeo


Have you ever wanted to learn to read tarot? Ever tried? It's a bit intimidating, isn't it? There's a lot of cards. A lot written in that little white book. Well, I'm making it easy for you.

Starting in October, at A Touch Of Magick, I'll be teaching a two part class on intuitive tarot. Toss that little while book aside, we won't be using it. Here's all you need to do.

  • register for both classes at

  • bring your Rider-Waite or Universal Waite tarot deck (if you need one, you can purchase one at A Touch Of Magick with $5 off for signing up for classes). If you aren't sure if your deck fits requirements, send a message here

  • bring a notebook and a pen

We will touch on a bit of history, the difference between Tarot and Oracle, and the difference between tarot decks.

We will tackle the deck in two Parts, and dedicate some time to learning a spread or two.

Sound like something you'd like to participate in? Register now, space is limited.

Can't make it this time, that's OK, we'll be offering this again.


The Crescent Moon Tarot, LLC

63 Eddie Dowling Hwy, Ste 7

North Smithfield, RI 02896


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©2018-2024 by The Crescent Moon Tarot, LLC

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