First, let's cover a common misconception: Everyone is NOT an empath.
A true empath has the psychic ability of clair-empathy. If you're able to tell what your bestie is feeling, or your mom or your sister or your significant other, you're really just in tune to them. That is not the psychic ability of clairempathy.

Clair-empathy is a gift. It's overwhelming, sure, but most gifts are in the beginning. So, if empathy isn't what everyone thinks it is, what is it? Have you ever had an overwhelming sense of sadness that you couldn't account for? Maybe you were giddy or excited and nothing happened to you or someone you know to be excited about? How about having an overwhelming feeling when approaching a crowd? These are the obvious signs of an empath, taking on energy that is not yours. What's further, you are able, as an empath, to take on phantom pains. If you're in the room with someone who stubs their toe, you may feel it. If someone has a broken bone, you may feel where the break is. You may feel when someone is feeling ill, or just off, but it doesn't stay with you. It isn't your pain or illness, so it comes on quick and usually passes just as quickly.
So how do you protect yourself and your energy from taking on all that energy???
There are a few ways, but I'm going to focus on just two. First, being a protective shielding meditation to start off your day. Yes, meditation. If you can't meditate on your own, there are some awesome free guided meditations on YouTube. Find a soothing voice and focus on their direction for the meditation. You want to search out a meditation for shielding and protecting your energy. By starting off your day doing this, you'll be protecting yourself for the entirety of your day. Do this every morning, right when get up. It doesn't take long, most can be right around 10 minutes. Instead of imagining a light as most guided meditations request you to do, try instead imagining yourself in a bubble that is impenetrable, that nothing can get through. This works best for me, as I have a hard time envisioning a light going all around me as most meditations say.

Besides this protection in shielding, you'll be grounding often. You will need to send all the excess energy that you pick up back to the earth. One of the best ways to ground yourself is to walk barefoot outside as much as you can. The ground helps ground you, no pun intended. Find a tree. Go over and put your hands on it's trunk. Take a deep breath and imagine giving the tree your excess energy. Watch it go down into the roots. Then look up, imagine all good, clean and positive energy coming from the leaves, down through the branches and into your hands on the tree trunk.
So this is the note to the empath: do not absorb. Use these methods to protect your energy. Stop in for a reading often. Protect your energy. Be well, be safe.
