7 Dec: Being an independent person is a good thing. Taking care of yourself and your responsibilities is something we should all do. Being an independent person and asking for help, or accepting help, is sometimes something that independent people have a hard time with. Depending on someone else can be a hard thing to do.
Being too dependent is the flip side. Not being able to do anything for yourself, when you're fully capable, is, in the nicest way I can say it, off-putting.
There is a happy medium of independence and dependence that still leaves you mostly to your own devices and still hold close relationships with those you want in your life without making them feel either not needed or relied upon so much that you become their obligation.
Ultimately, if we are fully capable individuals, we should have no problem being independent. Work hard. Be responsible. There's no reason we can't. Let's face it, the world doesn't owe any of us anything. Be independent and make things happen.