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Keeping the balance

Two of Pentacles

21 Dec: How fitting, seeing balance come up on a day of balance, Winter Solstice (Yule). The shortest day, the longest night, the balance of Mid-Summer Solstice (Litha). The balance of light and dark. The Yin and the Yang. After today, the days get longer. The return of the Sun. The world gets brighter. The flowers bloom. Sure, it's still winter, and it's still cold, but with the longer days, the world wakes up. Spring is just around the corner. Crocus and Irises and Snow-drops will start to pop up.

Every darkness has a balance. Even your personal darkness. And Light is near.


The Crescent Moon Tarot, LLC

63 Eddie Dowling Hwy, Ste 7

North Smithfield, RI 02896


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