If you've had a tarot reading before, you probably know what to expect. If you have never had a tarot reading, you probably have heard what others have told you, or what you've seen on TV. In either case, I'm going to shed a little light on the subject and hopefully clear up any misconceptions.
For starters, we, (and by saying "we", I am referring to any diviner, be they tarot readers, mediums, palm readers ((palmists)), and psychics, alike) do not generally go about in fortune-teller's garb, that is unless it's at a Renaissance Faire where costume would be a requirement. To be honest, for my last reading, I wore jeans and a hoodie. We are people. We look like your run-of-the-mill people. We are everyday folk, just like you.
Most readers will smudge before a reading. Either with a smudge stick or incense. It's for your benefit. It gets rid of negative energies, helps focus, and generally smells good. If you have a sensitive nose, however, you can ask us not to leave it burning during your reading. Most of us will understand. We do have to do it initially, but it's not a big deal to put it out. Ask nicely, we will honor your request.
Take notes! Some readers will even allow an audio recording. Personally, I don't mind either, just no video without approval. This will help you understand more than you would think. You'll have something to look back on if you have questions or it may eliminate questions altogether.
Most readers will have you shuffle and choose cards. The exception being an online or phone reading, which I'll explain momentarily. Some will have you shuffle and cut the deck to your satisfaction. These methods require your energy to touch the cards. You choose them. Now, for online or phone readings, most of us will feel your energy and add it to the shuffle. Meditation is another way this works. Meditating, calling your energy to the cards, and pulling cards by energy. It's hard to explain. It's like reiki. If you've had reiki done, you'll know what I mean.
Now, the biggie, Your pulled cards are going to be read, usually in a spread. Each card having a meaning, each card position having a meaning. What we see, we tell you. What we see isn't always black and white. The cartoon is a prime example. Just because we see something, what comes from it might a be reading between the lines. Some readers can sense animals, some cannot. So where one reader may say, "You're going to have an animal around you", another may say, "You're going to have someone new in your life". Neither say you're going to adopt a black and white cat. But both are right. You may meet someone new. Male. Brown hair. It could be a newly adopted male chocolate lab. You could be told of a new job, but that could be part time, supplementing your current job. It's all still a valid reading. We won't be able to give you definite. black and white. Your reading is still valid.
The specifics are not given. You have the potential to change any of the future dynamics from your reading, and for the reason, the details are vague. Your reading may be that you're getting divorced. But you and your spouse may decide marriage counseling is the way to save your marriage, and you could be right. But your reading is still correct. You were headed on that path. You changed that path. You have the potential to change any future aspect. Your past, well, that's done. Nothing you can do there. When your past comes up in a reading, I'm sorry to say, that stays. Your past will come up to explain why a certain element is there. Learn from it, and move on.
If you have questions about the reading you've been given, please ask us, but do keep in mind that your reading has an allotted amount of time and we may have other appointments. It is always OK to reach out with questions that we will answer to the best of our ability. Remember those notes you took? You can use them here, to help clarify.
I hope I have enlightened you, at least a little. If you've been wanting a reading, you now know what to expect, and don't need to be nervous (easier said than done, I know). Nerves are expected, but hopefully, we can ease them quickly. If you've had a reading before and were curious about they why's of things, I hope I've cleared that up for you.
If you're interesting in booking a reading, you can book your reading online right from our website choosing from available days and times. Readings are by appointment only and can be online, or in person. I hope to be hearing from you soon!