OK, so I saw this image floating around, not the first of it's kind and though it does touch on intuition, it's referring to claircognizance and calling it intuition. They are two very different things.
In today's writings we will cover the what's what and who's who of intuition and psychic abilities.
Let's begin with what intuition is. Intuition is something that everyone has. It's been all but tamped out of us, as a people, by society, but once upon a time, people did regularly use it too. Intuition is a gut feeling. How does it relate to the image? Well you may know something, but it's because you have a gut feeling about it. So, you'd know how you know because you feel it in your gut.
The knowing something and not knowing how you know it is Claircognizance, or clear knowing. It's a psychic ability, one of several, known simply as the "clairs". With Claircognizance you'll know something before it happens. As an example, a phone start ringing and you'll know who is calling before the caller ID can register the number. You'll know what someone will say before they say it. You don't know how you know, you just do. It's not your intuition, though your intuition can guide you to tap into your Claircognizance.
Another misconception is that Empaths just feel emotions. No. Empaths are a subset of Clairsentience, clear feeling. You'll find yourself knowing about something because you "had a feeling". If you say this regularly, it's your Clairsentience. You can "feel" emotions, sure, but also feel energy. Empaths feel energy of people, places and things, but if you're Clairsentient, you can feel so much more than that. You can feel answers. You can feel truth. You can feel positive and negative energies. Another subset of Clairsentience, is a Sensitive, someone who is sensitive to spirit energy. A Sensitive isn't a medium, but they do have a built in system to feel a spirit, it's energy, how it passed. There isn't a communication factor. It's a knowing based on feeling. They can't see spirit unless they're also gifted with Clairvoyance, our next "clair".
Clairvoyance is probably the most well known clair, however it is often used in place of the word psychic. All "clairs" are psychic. Clairvoyance is clear seeing. It's seeing either with the third eye as a mental projection or seeing with your own eyes in some cases. A clairvoyant is able to "see" messages as images or "mini-movies" as I call them from spirit, guides, angels, or ascended masters. It's one of the most common of the "clairs" so if you have this gift, you're in good company.
Clairaudience, or "clear hearing" is actually hearing spirit, either intelligent or residual, like spirit echoes. Clairaudience is hearing either in your mind or with your own ears. You can hear voices, bit of conversation, usually as whispers, sometimes songs. Strong Clairaudients can even hear names and full, or mostly full sentences from spirit.
Lumped together, there are multiple terms for these two "clairs". Clairaugustine, is "clear smelling and clear tasting". One of the most common things to happen and we don't even realize it's a psychic gift. It's when you smell the perfume of a loved one, or their favorite flowers, or you can taste their most well loved apple pie when none of these things are around. When a smoker passes and you can smell their cigarette, pipe or cigar.
Clairtangency is another of the more common "clairs" that is less recognized. Again, it gets mistaken for intuition more often than not. Clairtangency is "clear touch" and it's reading a person, animal or item by touch. If you've done psychometry (I offer a class, if you haven't, watch Coming Events for the next available class), that's exactly what Clairtangency is. You're reading the energy of an item. Often, people assume it's their intuition leading them to the answer they happened upon, when instead, it's your intuition tuning you in to Clairtangency.
Mediums are at least one but usually several or even most of these "clairs". Mediums are able to bridge the communication gap with spirit. All Mediums are psychic but not all psychics are Mediums. We use our "clairs" to help in that communication.
You can have one or several "clairs". Once you begin developing (see Psychic Coaching if you're interested in developing yours) your "clairs", others will generally surface. Sometimes they can be overwhelming. Just focus on one at a time.
I hope this helps clear up the confusion.