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Honing Intuition and Psychic Gifts

Have you ever had a moment where you knew exactly what was was going happen before it did? Something as simple as knowing exactly what was going to be said before it was said, or feeling the energy of an area you've never been to? Maybe you see shadows from the corner of your eye or hear whispers you can't quite make out. If you do, you're not alone, and your sanity is not in question. You, my friend, have psychic ability, and this article is all about helping you hone it.

The first place to start is always with your intuition. It's one of the most confusing places to be when you are first starting out. Intuition is something that all of have, though society has all but stomped it out of us. Intuition is how the apex predator and the prey can run side by side to escape a forest fire miles away. They intuitively know there's a bigger bad out there, and trust it. It's known as the "gut instinct" though it isn't really an instinct at all. Your intuition is always leading you to your best course of action. It's never going to lead you wrong. Trusting it, though, that's another story.

Intuition exercises are easy to do at home with things around the house. My favorite is to use a deck of playing cards. Take out the 4 aces. Look them over and make sure there are no identifying marks anywhere on the cards. Identifiers would defeat the purpose of this exercise. Which of those four are you drawn to? Put that one aside, that will be the one you seek. Now take the two other aces of the other color than the one you set aside. Those are your other players, place them aside with your first choice. The last ace can be returned to the deck for now.

Shuffle your aces and keep them face down. Use your intuition to turn over your sought out ace. Repeat this over and over again and expect mistakes. There will be lots. Repeat this exercise daily. When it starts to become more frequently that you draw out your ace the first time, add the last ace to the mix. Then start adding in more cards from the deck. Adding cards increases difficulty, so only add a card or two at a time. Keep track of your results.

You can do the same starting out by shuffling the deck and using your intuition to draw out a red card or a black card. Keep track of your results. Increase difficulty by intuitively seeking a specific number card. Again, expect mistakes. It's not going to be an over night success. You are building the intuitive muscles, so to speak. You don't go to the gym one day and the next enter a body building competition.

Once you're trusting your intuition, you'll find that your gifts are a little bit easier to manage. You'll be able to distinguish more clearly, for example, if your clairaudience is really hearing those whispers or if it's voices carrying over from next door. You'll trust that your clairvoyance is really seeing that spirit energy or if it's imagination. You'll trust that your clairsentience is really picking up on that off feeling or if you're just in a mood and projecting. You'll be able to tell if your precognizance is really seeing what's to happen or if you were just day dreaming.

Keep your practices going and exercise daily. Start each psychic exercise out with an intuitive exercise first and roll from one right into the next. Take classes and practice on others. Not sure where to start? Schedule a Psychic Coaching today.


The Crescent Moon Tarot, LLC

63 Eddie Dowling Hwy, Ste 7

North Smithfield, RI 02896


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