Above are three cards, each with a crystal. Left with Citrine, middle with Aurora Quartz, and right with Quartz. Choose the card you are most drawn to. Read on for results.

Left- The Sun
You probably could tell you picked a good card. The sun is happiness, friendship, creativity. It's like summer days and lemonade. Running carefree. Puddle jumping. Good times, good people, good fun. Aren't you glad you chose this card?
Middle- Judgement
As you might have guessed, Judgement is what you put out. It's coming full circle. So, if you do good things, good things will come to you. If you don't, well, I'd change my ways.... So it's karma, in a nutshell, but karma is both the yin and the yang, so do good, but do good because you want to and not because you chose this card.
Right- Seven of Pentacles
Here's to reaping the rewards of your hard work! Things are looking up, you put in the hours, blood, sweat and tears and you're seeing results. Whether in you career or personal life. You're goals are set where you can reach them which will only encourage more rewards for you. Smart cookie, you are. We should all do this.
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