Below are three cards, each numbered. Choose your number, and read on to find your results.

The card on the left is 1, middle is 2 and right is 3. Choose your adventure.

What card did you choose?
1. Ace of Swords- A great way to start off your year. This card signifies success, truth, victory and wealth. What a great foot to start off on. Your coming year has great potential.
2. Page of Cups- You have the world open to you. You're full of creative and studious energy. Thinking about going back to school? This is your time. Want to use those creative energies? Get started! This year is your time to shine.
3. Ace of Cups- You're about to start something new. Either in your personal life or business. Could be romance, could be expanding your family, could be a promotion at work or a even getting a puppy. Either way it's good news and celebrations for you this year. Happy times are ahead.