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Are you having trouble with Intuition Practices?

You may be familiar with my Intuition Practices on Facebook, Instagram & Tiktok.

I've been offering these daily practices to help each of you in learning to trust your intuition.

What needs to be very clear, and I think it needs repeating often, is that there's a definite learning curve to these practices. The likelihood of getting one out of 20 right, especially in the beginning, is pretty slim.

Here's how you can help further your goal. First, get a notebook. This is your Intuition Practice notebook and you'll need it handy for the exercises. Write down the date and time, where you are, what your surroundings are. Is there music on? What kind of music? Are there distractions? Keep in mind your own thoughts can be distractions, so notate that too. Next, ground yourself. I say it all the time and I feel like a broken record doing it, but grounding is so, so important to so many aspects of your life, especially here. If you're all muddled up with energies you've picked up all day long, or since the last time you've grounded, you aren't going to feel your intuition clearly. Do you need a grounding meditation? I have one for you, give it a try. It's a 4 minute video, so sit comfortably and listen.

OK, so you have your notebook details, and you've grounded. You're ready. Now focus on what intuition exercise you're doing. Breathe with it. Is it multi-part? Breathe and focus again. Make it a multi-part ask. What am I feeling? A number? Write it. Now go back. A color? Write that too. Come back to check it later. When you do, write the results. Were you right? Partially right? Way off base? Log all of that.

Adobe Stock Image

It should take many times practicing before you regularly start getting correct answers. In the beginning, it's possible to lean more towards luck than intuition. When you've consistently practiced for 30 days, go through your notes. What were you doing when you got the correct answer? Was there music on? What kind? Where there distractions? Where were you? What other notes did you mention in those times? For the next 30 days, replicate those instances. Re-evaluate in 30 days. Did you get more or less than the prior 30 days correct?

You won't get them all every time, and it takes time to get the majority. Overthinking and ego (read up on Carl Jung's take on ego to understand it further, that's too much for this blog) are going to be your biggest obstacles. When ego steps in, it tries making sense of intuition, which can ultimately end up on the wrong conclusion.

Unknown image. Source: Google Images

What does that mean? Well, let's take a look at a well known image. We are all familiar with this pixelated image of Barack

Obama, or so we assume. One of the most recognizable people, Barack Obama has multiple doppelgängers, of varying ethnicities. The man on the right side of the image has the same head shape, eye and ear shape, mouth and shape of chin. Even the hairline is the same. Look at the pixelated image again and try to see the man on the right in those pixels. We still want to see Obama in those pixels. This is what ego does to our intuition.

This is why it's hard for us to fully trust our intuition and why we get our practice wrong. Even as an experienced intuitive, you'll still sometimes get it wrong. Why? Because we are human. We are not perfect and we make mistakes.

Hopefully you feel better about how your intuition practice is coming along. Ultimately, the most important take away is that you continue to practice, even when you get it wrong over and over again. Remember this. Revisit it. You have to crawl before you can run. Then if you get two right in a row and the next 15 wrong, know that's completely normal. I've been doing this a long time and I still get some wrong too, and in the beginning, I got many wrong, in a row, over and over again. Practice. It makes a difference.

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