Some people think empaths are really rare, others think it's pretty common. I'd equate empaths to the same percentage as people with lighter colored eyes (not brown or amber). Not rare, but totaling, blue, hazel, gray and green for natural colored eyes averaging around the 25% of the population (not including heterochromia or other color variations), empaths percentages run pretty similarly.

What I'm referring to here is specifically those who are empathic, not those who are empathetic. There is a huge difference in those words. Your typical human has the potential to be empathetic. Most people are. These are the people who feel deep emotions for others. They also can tune in to those close to them. If you're a sympathy crier, for example, you're empathetic. If you see someone in pain or sorrow and feel moved, you're empathetic. If you are sensitive to emotions, you are empathetic. You have empathy. This does not mean you are an empath.

An empath, is someone who has sensitivity to energy. This energy comes from people, places and things. As an empath, you react to this energy. You may be drawn to, or away from certain energies. You may feel drawn to certain people, or drained after being with certain people. You may feel that you immediately like someone, or dislike them, upon meeting them. You may be drawn to a building or space because it feels right. You may avoid places because it feels "off". You may have a love/hate relationship with antiques. They have a history and that's charged their energy. Some you'll like, some you'll avoid. You'll notice this back and forth of drawing you in and a need for avoidance. Such is the world for an empath. You'll notice that I didn't mention emotions or knowing what others are feeling. That's because there's more to being an empath. You'll be able to sense physical pains, ailments, excitements. You'll find yourself taking on the energy of those your interact with, the places you go, and the things you touch. This is because you're sensitive to energy.

You might notice that this to and fro from being an empath is absolutely exhausting. It really is. Grounding and shielding yourself will be part of your daily routine. You'll likely need to ground yourself more some days than others. Shielding might need to be done a few times a day. This will be essential for you to get by in your day to day. Set aside some time for meditation to help as well. Eating well rounded meals will also be helpful in your daily grounding. You'll be drawn to running water.
So now that you've learned the differences of empathy and being an empath, now the question is, which applies to you? Can you be both or one or the other? The simple answer: yes. You can be an empath without being overly empathetic. You are sensitive to energy, not emotion. You can be both, empathic and empathetic. You can be empathetic and not be an empath.
Now, which one are you?
To learn more about how to manage your empathic life, Empath Class is being offered again online via Zoom, in March of 2023. Reserve your space as class space is limited.
Eye color reference: The World's Population By Eye Color worldatlas.com.